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Make Money with Websyndic Traffic - Full Guide

Hello Guys,

here are my full Guide "How to make Money with Websyndic Traffic Exchange.

Websyndic are one of the biggest Auto Traffic Exchange (More than 120.000 Members). They have much settings for URL.

Step 1: Register on Websyndic: (Non Ref:

Step 2: Go on "Earn Credits" and begin. You can use the Light Viewer with other IPs, VPN or VPS for more earn Credits. You can set unlimited Light Viewer Sessions with other IPs.

Step 3: Go to "My Site" and add your Site. You have these Settings:
Step 4: You can insert your PTP Link, Youtube Link (Full Youtube Method: ) or all other Sites. Hide referer are a very useful Setting.

Step 5: Enjoy!

I use Websyndic with the Youtube Method. They can break the 301 Views.
Here are many Proofs:
I hope it help you.

Earn 0.2$ daily just for 1 minute of work!!

Hello guys im going to show you one of the easiest ways to earn money online and its real!!

Register here

When you finish registering go here :
[​IMG> after that do one more thing and you earned easy 0.2$
after you pressed work you will see jobs and press work here and thats it
you earned 0.2 $ in 10 secs!!and keep coming everyday to earn another 0.2 $ and more!

 $5+ a Day w/ YouTube and Autosurf


Notice: If you want on-demand support you must use my ref links
This method was initially performed by me with no refferals :giddy:
1. Get a YouTube channel with graphics set up
2. Upload a video - while that's going go to step 3
Ex: Here
3. Partner your YT channel here
Be sure to log in with your channel!
4. Accept the invite to the network on your YT dashboard (Comes within 1-24 hours)
Edit: Check all ad types in YT
5. Sign up with this exchange here
6. Start generating credits on your VPS/Computer
7. Submit your YT video link (No Shortlink***)
Settings - Hide reffer, Visit duration 90 seconds(Most Profitable)
8. Turn auto distribute on
9. In 7-10 days your earnings will show on YT
10. Make sure your PayPal email is in the network
11. You will get your payout on this schedule - No minimum payout
12. Sit back and log in to Websyndic daily to check on your VPS/Compute
As an added bonus if you're active you will start getting real views and increased returns
13. Reinvest in credits from Websyndic
Non ref Links:notbad::,
I do not moderate, administrate, own, or run any of these websites

Help! I'm stuck at 301 views!
Wait 7-10 days, double check settings, and continue sending views.
How do I know this works?
Check the examples.
Will I get banned?
Nobody has so far in my referral list anyway. Therefore, no.
How long should my video be?
I recommend at least 90 seconds for maximum acceptance.

How to make a CPM site and earn money from it

 Here I'm going to teach you how to make a CPM site and earn money from it.

Basically, a CPM site is like a PTP site, but you put your ads there, you promote it, and make money.

First we need to make a site. For a site we will need domain and hosting.
I would suggest to go to and get free hosting and domain for free for 6 months. @itzjustcake has made a thread here Otherwise you can get free domain from freenom find other trials, purchase on sites or purchase on TBN.

After you are done with hosting and domain, you will make the site.
For this kind of site I prefer making wordpress autoblogs. You can make whatever you want, but autoblogs are more genuine-looking.

To make a wordpress blog :
First you need to install wordpress in your hosting. Most hosting providers have auto-installers where you can install wordpress with a single click, but if you want to install it manually, you download wordpress from, upload it via ftp, unzip and continue with the installation.

After the wordpress installation is finished, you will need a theme. You can choose any free theme wordpress offers or you can pick a nulled one. For nulled themes and other scripts I prefer

Done with wordpress? Next step is to make it an autoblog (that generates posts automatically)
For getting posts I use a nulled plugin called "Auto Blog". You can download it here, and then install it.
What this does is that it grabs posts from other site's rss feeds, and posts them in your own site. You need to find sites that have the content that you are looking for. Most wordpress blogs have a RSS button at the header or footer of the site. If they don't, you can try going to domain.tld/rss. If it opens a xml page, you're in the right place. If it doesn't, just find another site. You can pick any amount of sites you want. But I would suggest to choose 1-2 if the sites post daily.
After you've gotten the feed url-s, you'll have to set up the autoposting.
first you go to auto blog > all feeds and click on "add new" at the top of the site
[​IMG> Next we set up the feed.

The last step is to put ads in the site. Here are the ad providers I'm using with a brief explenation.

Until now I've sent very little traffic since I was using free osting and it kept banning me everyday, so the earnngs have been really low.

Some ad networks might not accept you, but you can try again in a few days.
This is the ad provider that has paid me less from all my ad providers, but I've seen it being used in many PTP sites.
This has also paid me little but it pays in bitcoin and doesn't need any approval.
Also not much revenue. Would not suggest using.
great revenue. also being used in many cpm sites.
Great revenue, and pays in bitcoin.
Also a great revenue site.
Just started, but heared good stuff about it

I have signed up on all of theese ad networks and am using them all on my site at once. Would suggest you do the same.

Next send any traffic you like to the site ;)

I took my time to write this thread for a couple hours, so If you want to thank me and keep me making more money-making threads like this, use my referal link to sign up on the networks :smile:.You loose nothing.

non-ref links (don't do this to me :()